Drowning in documents? Don’t.

We give you access to a personalised Real Estate partner to do all the heavy lifting in your most complex, document-heavy workflows.

200-page planning documents? Data Rooms with 50 files of different types and formats? Photos of handwritten lease docs? We’ve got you.

Investors, developers, and agents use Ellie to extract data from documents in minutes — then reason about risks, complete next steps, and track them with ease

Reading through reams of documents and scrolling through spreadsheets can feel dull.

Ellie automates the boring bits of your workflows, and uses her Real Estate reasoning expertise to challenge your thinking at every turn.

While ChatGPT and Microsoft Co-Pilot might offer you the power of a new graduate on your team, our AI is a seasoned professional.

  • Truly intelligent document processing

    Handwritten leases? 60 PDFs, spreadsheets, and images? No problem.

  • A seasoned Real Estate pro

    Need better than graduate-level analysis of planning documents? Our AI partner is a career Real Estate expert.

  • 24/7 project management

    Trying to track progress on your development and update all the docs? Your new AI does that for you.

  • Ditch creative fatigue

    From naming your buildings to writing lifestyle blogs, your AI partner never runs out of new ideas.

Your personalised AI partner will help you increase productivity 20% and earn more revenue year-on-year

Ellie reasons and writes like you. She can quickly extract data from documents, understand key Real Estate concepts, make suggestions according to your business thesis, and draft new documents in your company’s templates and tone of voice.

Built by experts, for experts

With decades of experience across Real Estate, Fintech, Document Processing, and AI, our teams know the challenges you face and have built an AI partner for your needs.

Read more about our team here.